About the Side-by-side Program


The Side-by-Side Program is for any woman in Middle Tennessee coming out of crisis, ages 18 or above.

The crisis you’ve faced might be loneliness, isolation, low self-esteem or having trouble finding the next step. It could be making a plan after the loss of a spouse, through death or divorce. It could be emotional, financial or physical abuse. It could be something entirely different. You need tools, resources and a plan, and we can help.

The process is started with an application so we can learn more about your situation and how we might be able to best help. When a woman is accepted to the program, an individualized plan is created by you with our help to get to stability and an independent future.

You’ll be equipped with tools, resources and support through the assistance of local community members. Each woman is partnered with a trained mentor, budget ally, and licensed professional counselor to ensure sustainable success. A variety of individual Practical Advisors, group options, and life-skills classes are readily available.


The program exists because like God, we don’t care about your past. We don’t care what you have or have not done and we don’t even expect that you believe the same things in order to participate.

We don’t require you to take part in any “religious” activities (although we offer and encourage them) and we’re not going to promise you a magic answer that will “fix everything.” This program is hard work, and only you can do the work. Our promise to you is that we will walk with you every step of the way. 

The Lord cares about broken pieces. And more specifically, He cares about yours. We believe that the entire story of the world is about redemption of pain, heartache, and sin. Our prayer is that the Side-by-Side program is a piece of that, regardless of your beliefs. We hope that you may find healing, understanding and the ability to move forward with confidence. Life is too difficult to do it alone. Will you let us walk by your side?