431 Ministries is a place where all women are known, seen and loved.

Our mission

431 Ministries offers women who have been through hardship an opportunity to develop hope and a plan for an independent future.

The mission, explained

“Hardship” - This includes women in widowhood, with grief experience, after the loss of a spouse to divorce, through single motherhood, after relational abuse/abandonment, in post-sobriety, and in a place of uncertainty.

"Hope and a plan" -  Being in community with others who are walking the same journey; learning to face the past to find restoration, and having the skills to not fall back into crisis

"Independent future" - Living confidently on their own but not by themselves; they'll have an ongoing community to support and encourage them through whatever they'll face


431 Ministries values:

  • God’s sovereignty that offers hope and moves us towards an unwavering and bold faith.

  • Compassion and dignity because every person is uniquely created in the image of God.

  • Cultivating authentic community by building trust which leads to safety and stability.

  • Full restoration of the whole person so that a motivated-to-change, ever-advancing, and abundant mindset is possible.

  • Prayerful communication in words and deeds that produce a culture of intentional policies, processes, and people.

Guiding Principles

We obey God’s call for our ministry by prayerfully seeking His will, through the affirmation of wise counsel, and by these guiding principles:

  1. God made us physical, emotional, and relational beings

  2. Discipleship is crucial 

  3. People heal with help

  4. Independence comes by equipping without enabling

  5. Success requires a personal commitment